
Skype guide

Skype guide

  • Skype is software you can download on your smartphone or computer and you can speak, see, and instant message other people.
  • Between Skype users, it’s free to speak to each other anywhere.
  • 1

    Click the logo at bottom right of this page and download the program

  • 2

    After downloading, click the install button to install the program. It might take a bit of time

  • 3

    When the program is installed successfully, start it and make an account

  • 4

    Log in to Skype

  • 5

    Add teacher’s Skype id (sent in email) and prepare for your class!

skype 다운로드

You should have this equipment to take classes on Skype

Web camera (web cam)
Headset (earphone/MIC)